Crafting Stunning DIY Beaded Sunglasses

  • 2023-09-20 15:03:10
I was browsing Pinterest one morning while drinking coffee and stumbled upon a pair of Forever 21’s super cute sunglasses with inlaid letters and fun rose beads. Naturally, the idea came to me... I could make one too! So, I took action! I turned what would normally be an ordinary game night with friends into a girls' night of DIY beaded sunglasses and free flowing wine.
This is one of the easiest DIYs I've ever tried.
We found these sunglasses at Uiiglasses for only $5 and bought all the beads we needed at our local Michaels. But to make it easier for you guys, I found every item on Amazon along with some fun bead options. I might even buy a set that includes a strawberry and lemon pattern because that would look so cute in the summer!
Once you have all your materials ready, it's time to start crafting. I won't provide specific step-by-step instructions because I'm sure you can already do it on your own. All you need is a glue gun, letter beads, cute spacer beads, sunglasses, and a little creativity. The most time-consuming part is probably thinking about what you want to say on your sunglasses, so I hope the following can give you some inspiration! I'm looking for some fashion, some cuteness, and some fun. Plus, I thought these sunglasses would be really fun to wear on certain occasions, so I also included some classic Disney quotes!